SwatchFest: Rujuri mate de la MAC / SwatchFest: MAC Matte lipsticks RO/EN

Buna seara, dragile mele!

  Vreau sa va arat azi si restul colectiei mele de rujuri mate de la MAC. Imi plac toate in egala masura si mai jos o sa arat si voua de ce le iubesc atat de mult!

Hello, ladies!

  Today I want to show you the rest of my MAC matte lipsticks collection. I love them all and I want to show you down bellow why I like them so much!

MAC Heroine 

RO:  Rujul face parte din colectia permanenta, insa e deseori SOLD-OUT fiindca are o nuanta cu adevarat speciala - cel mai frumos mov, cu un usor subton fuchsia. Da, sunt de acord, e o culoare indrazneata, insa completat de machiajul potrivit, arata impecabil si este un magnet pentru complimente!

Textura: Rujul are o textura mai cremoasa fata de alte rujuri mate de la MAC, insa ideal este sa folositi o pensula pentru aplicare. Si un creion contur! :)

Pigmentatia: La fel ca suratele sale din gama rujurilor mate, Heroine este foarte pigmentat, buzele acoperindu-se opac inca din primul strat!

Longevitatea: Rezistenta este minunata, peste 6 ore, daca nu mananc ceva uleios. Nu am avut probleme cu uscarea excesiva a buzelor, dar daca vreti sa fiti sigure, aplicati o baza pentru buze inainte de ruj.

EN:  This lipstick is from the permanent collection, but it is often SOLD-OUT because it is indeed special! It is the pretties bright purple with a fuchsia undertone. Yes, I agree that it is a bold color, but with the right make-up, it looks simply stunning!

Texture: The lipstick it is easier to apply than other MAC matte lipsticks, but I recommend a lipbrush for the perfect application. And a lip pencil! :)

Pigmentation: Same as other MAC matte lipsticks Heroine is perfect, opaque after just one coat!

Longevity: More then 6 hours if I don't eat anything too oily. It also did not dry my lips!

MAC Please Me

   Rujul acesta are nuanta perfecta de roz pentru a fi purtat zi de zi! Avantajeaza cam pe oricine, indiferent de subtonul pielii, fiind neutru.

Textura: Chiar daca e un ruj mat, se aplica usor, uniform si se simte placut pe buze.

Pigmentatia: Opac din primul strat!

Longevitatea: In jur de 5-6 ore.

  This lipstick has the perfect everyday color! A light, neutral pink wich compliments about everyone!

Texture: Creamy, easy to apply, does not dry lips.

Pigmentation: Opaque from the first coat!

Longevity: It lasts about 5-6 hours.

MAC Honeylove

RO:  Honeylove are o nuanta de nude deosebita, pe care fie o iubesti, fie o urasti. Este cel mai putin versatil dintre rujurile din colectia mea, fiind mai pretentios la purtare. Nu il port purta la un machiaj prea natural fiindca ma face sa par stearsa. Se asorteaza perfect la machiajul smokey eyes! De regula eu il folosesc alaturi de un creion contur.

Textura: E mai uscata si necesita aplicarea cu pensula.

Pigmentatia: Perfecta!

Longevitatea: Peste 6 ore.

EN:  Honeylove is a very special nude lipstick. You either love it, or hate it! It doesn't look good on everybody, or with every make-up. For exanple, I cannot pair it with a natural make-up because it washes me out. Looks amazing with a smokey eye!

Texture: It is a bit dry and needs a lipbrush for perfect application.

Pigmentation: Perfect!

Longevity: More than 6 hours.

MAC Pink Pigeon 

RO:  Este cel mai vesel dintre rujurile mele, fiind o nuanta de roz luminos care iese usor in evidenta. Imi place sa il port la machiaje simple si neutre.

Textura: Este cel mai cremos dintre colectia mea de rujuri MAC mate. Se aplica frumos si din tub, si cu pensula.

Pigmentatia: Acopera perfect, este opac.

Longevitatea: In jur de 6 ore.

EN:  It is the happiest lipstick I own! A very clean and bright pink, with a luminous finish. I love to wear it with simple and neutral make-up.

Texture: It is the creamiest MAC matte lipstick I own. It applies great from the tube or with a lipbrush.

Pigmentation: Amazing, of course!

Longevity: It lasts about 6 hours.

Care e preferatul vostru?

Wich one is your favourite?


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