Guerlain Kiss Kiss Lipstick review in 324 Red Love
Hello lovely readers! Buna, dragi cititoare! Today, this lovely sunny weather gave me an impulse to write about a gorgeous lipstick that is simply perfect for this season! As you saw from the title, the newbie is Guerlain Kiss Kiss Lipstick in shade 324 Red Love. It is new to my Guerlain lipstick collection and I love it! First, let me tell you a few things about lipstick. Did you know that t he first commercial lipstick was invented in 1884 by Guerlain? I t was covered in silk paper, which was a novelty for that time and b efore then, lipstick used to be made at home. Being a pioneer in creating tube lipsticks, Guerlain delivers every time exceptional quality and luxury for every woman. Astazi, vremea insorita de afara mi-a dat un impuls sa scriu despre un ruj splendid perfect pentru acest sezon! Dupa cum ati vazut in titlu, nou-venitul este rujul Guerlain Kiss Kiss in nuanta 324 Red Love. Este cel m...