
Se afișează postări din noiembrie, 2018

Warszawa by Puredistance. A journey to the past

About a year ago, while I was in Bucharest, something magical happened. Precious moments usually do not come in our lives as we are told in fairytales. Sometimes, it takes just the right choice in order to reveal the extraordinary. Last year, I have received an e-mail from Puredistance , one of the most exclusive perfume house in the world, in which I was told that Iris Vos, one of Jan Ewoud Vos daughters, the perfume house's founder, was coming to Romania to promote the new launch, Warszawa. I was over the moon with joy and immediately took a decision. I had to book a plane ticked and go to Bucharest. The big day came and I was waiting outside Hanul lui Manuc to meet Iris. She came to the restaurant, smiling, and I could not believe that I was having the opportunity to find out more about one of my favorite perfume houses of all time. In my head there were so many questions, that I didn't know where to start. Iris was kind enough to explain more about the process of creati...