Le Jardin Retrouvé - when perfume has a soul (part II)

Hello, my dear perfume addicts! 

  I am more than happy to continue my reviews for the wonderful Le Jardin Retrouvé perfumes. As you already know, Le Jardin Retrouvé was the first Maison de niche perfume, established in 1975 and everytime I wear one of Yuri Gutsatz's creations, I feel like a time traveller. 

#DidYouKnowIn 1952, Yuri Gutsatz was asked by Maurice Lehmann (former director of the Opéra de Paris) to perfume the opera house for a sequence of "Les Indes Galantes", a lavish opera presentation by Rameau.

  There is certanly a vintage vibe to all the seven perfumes, but at the same time, the scents are suitable for modern times. In other words, you can easily call them classics. 

  Cuir de Russie 

  I have always been very fond of perfumes that are kind of melancholic. I think true beauty always has a little bit of sadness in order to make it unforgettable. When I first smelled Cuir de Russie by Le Jardin Retrouvé I felt that it is exactly what I needed: a powdery and woody leather perfume wich I could wear with grace. Leathery perfumes do not always smell good on my skin, as I usually find them too harsh and masculine. In this case, though, the leather note was ilustrated differently. Think about a pair of gloves, made from the softest leather you have ever seen. The pair belongs to a beautiful lady who likes to go to the Opera and she has a secret admirer who likes to leave a bouquet of delicate violets in her lodge, just before she arrives to see a new play. As she takes the flowers in her delicate hands, their powdery smell impregnates the leather gloves. Who this man may be? She will never know, but she will always keep violet petals between the pages of her diary. 

  Cuir de Russie is a perfume meant to be worn when it is cold outside, when the streets are empty and the houses are full. It is meant for people who treasure solitude. 

  Eau des Délices

  I am a sea lover. I am a woman of summer. Everytime I come to the sea and feel the waves tickleing my toes I feel pure joy. While I smile to the sun, I like to keep my hands busy with a sparkling, tasty cocktail. My favorites are those made from citruses and mineral water. The tingling bubbles, the sound of the waves and the smell of salt and warmth are magical. 

  It is not an easy task for me to find a great citrusy perfume. Most of them tend to become to bitter or too sour. Somehow, Eau des Délices manages to remain fresh and sparkly. It is very refreshing and I love to wear it in days when I miss summer, or when I feel stressed and I need something happy to uplift my mood. The only bad thing is that Eau des Délices does not last very much on my skin... but maybe it is because happiness comes in small portions, isn't it? 

Citron Boboli

  What a happy perfume! I don't know if it is because the Holiday is just around the corner, but when I smell Citron Boboli I instantly think of Christmas! When I first apply this perfume on my skin, all I can smell is cloves and lemon cream! I can't help it and my mind flies to the traditional Christmas pies, full of spices and delicious creams. Mmmm... my mouth is already watery! I can picture my mother singing a carol while she decorates the table, waiting for me to join her. There are cookies in the oven and tea in the kitchen. Dad is wrapping gifts in his armchair. Everything around us is shiny and our lips are curled up in a smile. Citron Boboli is pure joy!

  If you are curious to try the scents above, just visit Le Jardin Retrouvé brand new site! You will find lots of surprises there if you join the club!

P.S. On my next post I will show you my wonderful Le Necessaire and my review for Sandalwood Sacre and Tubereuse Trianon! I prepared a video too, so stay tooned! 



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