Povesti parfumate: Puredistance I si Puredistance Opardu

Buna seara, dragile mele! 

   Astazi va rasfat cu doua parfumuri speciale de la casa de nisa Puredistance, singura ce ofera doar parfumuri in varianta extract. Prezentarea parfumurilor este ireprosabila, cutiile din piele alba fiind delicate si atent lucrate pentru a oferi celui ce alege aceasta casa un regal al simturilor. Inca nu am testat toate cele sase parfumuri Puredistance lansate pana in prezent, insa cele pe care le-am incercat mi s-au intiparit in minte ca fiind de-a dreptul minunate! 

Puredistance I

Parfumier: Annie Buzantian


   Deschide usa casei si paseste pe covorul moale. Pielea ii e incalzita de soarele molcom si parul a rapit un strop din lumina stacojie a apusului ce isi spune povestea afara, printre florile de magnolie pe jumatate inchise. 

   Incet, isi da jos cerceii cu camee si ii aseaza pe comoda. Camasa subtire isi gaseste si ea locul in sifonier. Incet, se dezbraca de haine si totodata de masca de femeie puternica pe care o afiseaza in exterior. In final, ramane doar ea si parfumul ce si-a gasit salas in scobitura gatului alb, la incheieturile mainilor fine. Isi zareste chipul oglindit in fereastra ce da spre gradina cu trandafiri. Acum e doar EA, femeia calda, iubitoare. Femeia ce stie sa fie si mama, si iubita, si sprijin. Femeia cu miscari blande si frunte neteda, lipsita de harta grijilor de peste zi. Corpul ei delicat e strabatut de un fior in timp ce gandurile ii zboara la cel pe care il asteapta. Ii anticipeaza imbratisarea calda, vocea soptita si ochii de culoarea ambrei sfredelind-o in timp ce ea, ea ii va raspunde cu un suras bland, de catifea. 

   Puredistance I reprezinta emotie, iubire imbracata in candoare. Parfumul e usor ca o fluturare de gene, omogen si cremos, fara nicio asperitate. Il porti pentru tine si poate pentru el, iar lumea toata poate sa mai astepte...caci clipa trebuie traita la timpul ei.


   She opens the door and steps on to the thick, soft rug. Her skin is warmed up by the lazy sun and her hair selfishly took a drop from the scarlet glow of the sunset sky. Outside, the rays of light tell their story, through the half-closed magnolias. 

   Slowly, she takes off her cameo earrings and place them on to the commode. Her tenuous shirt finds it's place in the wardrobe. While she takes off her clothes, she also takes off her "powerful woman" mask that she used to display in front of the world. Finally, it remains just her perfume, hidden in the hollow of her white neck and on her delicate wrists. She catches sight of a glimpse of her face reverberated in the window, the same from wich you can see the roses from the garden. Now it's just HER, the gentle, loving woman. The one that knows how to be a mother and also a lady, the one who knows how to give strenght to the ones she loves. She is the women with gentle moves and smooth forehead, released from the map of everyday worries.

   Her delicate body is crossed by a chill while her thoughts fly to the one she waits for. She anticipates his warm embrace, whispered voice and his ambery eyes piercing her soul while she will answer him back wit a warm, velvet smile. 

   Puredistance I represents emotion, love wrapped up in tenderness. The perfume is as light as a flutter of eyelashes, smooth and creamy, without any trace of roughness. You wear it for yourself, and maybe for the one you love, otherwise, the whole world can wait...because this moment must be enjoyed right NOW. 


Alexandra a spus…
Abia ce imi trecuse febra parfumurilor... Vorbesti asa frumos despre parfumuri ca am impresia ca pe toate le vreau si toate mi se potrivesc...
Adelina Tomescu a spus…
Draga Alexandra, ma bucur mult ca ti-am trezit astfel de sentimente prin postarea mea. In ceea ce ma priveste, cred ca febra parfumurilor nu imi va trece niciodata!

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