Puredistance perfumes - Black


  Today, it was so grey outside. Heavy clouds stole the light that tried to reach my window, and here I am writing about what I love - perfumes. I felt that it is time to share with you my thoughts about the wonderful Black perfume, by Puredistance
  Azi a fost atat de gri afara. Nori grei imi furau razele de lumina inainte sa ajunga la fereastra, si iata-ma acum, scriind despre ceea ce iubesc - parfumurile. Am simtit ca e momentul sa va povestesc despre parfumul Black de la Puredistance. 

  Conceptul din spatele parfumului e misterios fiindca cei de la Puredistance au ales sa tina secret ingredientele folosite. In opinia mea, e o idee minunata, caci atunci cand mirosim un parfum trebuie sa il lasam sa isi spuna povestea, nu sa ii disecam notele. Parfumul trebuie simtit cu inima, iar aceasta nu stie nici chimie, nici sa citeasca. Inima stie doar sa iubeasca. 

  The concept is mysterious and inviting, as Puredistance chose to keep the ingredients for Black a secret. I think that it is a wonderful idea because in my opinion, us, the people who let ourselves seduced by the world of scents, should not try to dissect a perfume, but we should understand it as a whole, an unbroken masterpiece. Perfume has to be heart touching in order to be amazing. And the heart does not know chemistry, neither how to read. The heart knows only how to love. 

   The nose behind this perfume is Antoine Lie, the one who also created WHITE - the dream in white and gold. 

   Creatorul acestui parfum este Antoine Lie, cel care a creat si WHITE, de la aceeasi casa. 

   Let me show you how Black is. 

   Sa va arat cum este Black. 

   It was at noon when he arrived back to his cabin. His dark hair looked a bit messy because the wind played with it a bit. He opened the heavy, wooden door and his eyes softly outlined with kohl pierced into the shadows who were filling the room. 

  Era amiaza cand a ajuns inapoi la cabana. Parul lui intunecat era dezordonat din pricina vantului care a vrut sa se joace. A deschis usa grea din lemn masiv, iar ochii lui conturati cu creion kohl moale a strapuns umbrele din incapere. 
   A few steps and he reached to his favorite place in the house - his ebony desk. Laying there, in complete silence was a leather bound diary, waiting. The man reached for the chair and sit there, reaching for his pen with trembling hands. Oh, yes. It was time to write about her. 

   Cativa pasi si a ajuns la locul sau preferat din casa - biroul din abanos. Asezat pe el, in liniste deplina, asteptand, era jurnalul legat in piele. Barbatul a luat loc pe scaun si si-a intins mana tremuratoare dupa stilou. Oh, da. Venise timpul sa scrie despre ea. 

   Hours passed. and the ink began to tell a story, as it was greedily absorbed by the paper. It was about a woman with amber eyes and golden skin. Ahhh, her skin, always smelling like agarwood oil. Her presence was enough to make the air around boil. She was a woman of the desert and maybe that is why he feels so much warmth when he remembers her. 

  Orele treceau, iar cerneala a inceput sa isi depende povestea pe masura ce era absorbita cu lacomie de hartia ingalbenita. Era vorba despre o femeie, cu ochii de culoarea ambrei si pielea aurie, Ahhh, pielea ei ce mirosea mereu a lemn de agar. Simpla ei prezenta facea aerul din jur sa fiarba, Era o femeie a desertului si poate de aceea simtea atat de multa caldura cand si-o amintea.

  The man felt the urge to open the window, and as he looked outside, he felt some very familiar smell. Incense maybe? Like a thread of fog, a silver shadow took shape outside. Was it only his imagination? The man could swear she was right there, with him, as her unforgettable perfume filled the room, but in the next minute it was gone only to come back more powerful and sweet, leaving him bewildered. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and let the smell pierce his soul. They were now as one, perfectly blended, inseparable. 

   Barbatul a simtit nevoia sa deschida fereastra si uitandu-se afara, a simtit un miros cunoscut. Tamaie poate? Ca un fuior de ceata, o umbra argintie prindea contur afara. Sa fi fost doar imaginatia sa? Putea sa jure ca ea era acolo, alaturi, pe masura ce ii simtea parfumul de neuitat umpland incaperea. In minutele urmatoare insa, mirosul a disparut...dar doar cat sa reapara mai dulceag si mai puternic, lasandu-l confuz. A inchis ochii, a inspirat adanc si a lasat parfumul sa ii strapunga sufletul. Acum erau un intreg, ei doi. Inseparabili.

   This is Black, a bittersweet, long lost memory.
   Acesta este Black. Ca o amintire dulce-amaruie, de mult pierduta.  

You can find this beautiful perfume HERE, on the official Puredistance E-Shop. 

If you live in Romania, you can find Puredistance perfumes at Elysee. You can find it online right HERE

Puteti gasi parfumul pe site-ul Puredistance sau in magazinele Elysee din Romania. 


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